
Here are the dividend details for the current calendar year for each stock in my dividend Portfolio.

You can see the dividend paid by month, along with the YTD total, and forward dividend estimate.

All dividends were reinvested except those that appear in green cells.  Dividends in orange cells were partially reinvested.  Gray cells indicate that dividends were lost due to cuts or suspensions.

The arrows indicate an expected dividend increase announcement.  If the announcement is expected in the same month as a dividend is paid, then the arrow will be right-justified in the cell to the left, or left-justified in the cell to the right.



Here are comparisons of the current monthly totals, to monthly totals from previous years.  There’s also an up-to-date estimate (Fwd Proj) of dividend income for each of the next 12 months.


Here’s a visual representation of the monthly dividend numbers from the table just above…


And now a visual for the annual dividend numbers…


4 thoughts on “Dividends

  1. Hello ,
    I’m a german so my english is not the best …. this is one of the first comments on a website outside from Germany ….. I am also a Dividend investor and wish you all the best … great blog … I come back …
    Thanks a lot for the inspiration
    Yours sincerelly

    1. Welcome, Uwe. Your english is far better than my german, so no worries. 🙂
      Dividend investing has been terrific for me, and I hope the same applies to you, whether you are just starting, or have been doing it for a while.
      Glad you like the blog… hope to see you drop by again.

  2. Hi there,
    Great work on your tables. I am trying to make my own tables to visualize my portfolio.
    On your 2020 dividend table do you insert the dividends manually or do you have a formula?
    Keep up the good work. You got yourself a follower.

    1. Welcome, Krueger!
      Thank you, I’m glad to hear the dividend table resonates with you. I don’t have any formula for entering the dividends in the table… it’s all done manually.
      I’ll empty the table when the year is done and start over, eliminating the stocks that are no longer in my Portfolio. I keep copies of the tables from previous years to look back on.
      Are you just starting your DGI journey, or have you been at it for a while?
      I’m happy that you’ll be following along. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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