Since the NFL season began this month, it only seems appropriate to declare my portfolio’s September dividend total as a Touchdown! In addition, the portfolio went for the 2-pt conversion and made it, as it didn’t just score 7 hundred, but rather 8 hundred for me. Check it out…
Dividend Income
The total was $804.08… a noteworthy 30.89% increase compared to the same month last year. This is only the 2nd time I’ve topped $800 in a month, the 1st being this past June.
A whopping 17 companies paid me a dividend this month. As you can see in the table above, the largest amount came from QCOM, and the least from V. I’d like to have a larger dividend from V, but they have a low payout ratio. While I like the size of my position in V, I wouldn’t be opposed to owning more, just not at the current price.
The amounts from QCOM, XOM, and O were boosted by additional purchases over the past year, as opposed to being from only dividend increases and reinvested dividends.
The amount from TROW was a decrease compared to last year, due to partial sale during the past year.
September brought 3 new dividend payers for me – TGT, CCI, and GWW. The group played a large part in my monthly percentage increase.
Meanwhile, 3 companies (CMI, PX, PII) exited the portfolio over the past year, and thus no longer provide me with dividends. CMI was sold as it was a comparatively small position, and I felt it was overvalued at the time. PX was essentially replaced with APD. As for PII, uncertainty with regard to some product recalls led me to sell.
Dividend Raises
In September, I had 2 companies raise their dividend, WPC and O. WPC tends to announce dividend raises on a quarterly basis. O is a little more sporadic, usually delivering four to six small raises during the year. Neither deliver large increases on an annual basis. In the past couple of years they’ve delivered annual raises in the range of 2% to 6%. I won’t complain though…. as it’s always nice to get extra income.
These raises contribute a total of $1.75 to my annual forward dividend income.
Once again, I’m quite happy with my progress. First, the YOY total showed nearly a 31% increase! I expect this YOY growth to slow next year, as there has been less investment in recent months. However, I do have some $$$ set aside to invest. I just need to find the best place to deploy it. Second, I crossed $7,000 in annual forward dividend income this month! That’s compared to about $5,800 at the beginning of this year. That $1,200 difference is an extra $100/mo. in passive income coming my way…. Love it!
Let me know if your portfolio scored in September, too. Any milestones or achievements to announce?
I have updated the Portfolio & Dividends pages in conjunction with this monthly update.
That’s a great month! Congrats on reaching $7000 in annual forward dividend income! All of your companies actually paid more individually than my entire dividend income for September
Keep it up!
Thanks, BrokeInvestor. I’ve probably had more time to get the snowball rolling. You’ll be there in no time.
Those are some great results. 31 % yoy is awesome! For me no milestones or achievements. Report is coming in a few days.
I’m very happy with my results this month. I’m sure you got some achievements to share, too… I’ll look for them in that report you’ve got coming.
Touchdown! Great month Engineering Dividends! Congrats on crossing the $7000 mark in forward annual dividend income! Keep up the great work!
Thanks, MDD. You had an excellent September, too. Touchdowns all around!
Nice work! Keep it up! That’s a great YoY growth!
Thanks, Dan. I certainly hope to keep it going, but I suspect the high growth rates will decrease moving forward. I saw you had another record-setting passive income month… very motivating. It’s awesome that you’ve got the two income streams, dividends and rental income.
We have quite a few of the same companies. Some of them I don’t have, pretty much all of those are on my watch list. Congrats on your year-to-year progress. I’m a really big fan of V, but it is hard to buy a stock that gradually keeps climbing! They’re due for a dividend increase for the next payment.
Hi DD, I really like V as well. I’m sure we’ll get the chance to add to our positions eventually… just have to be patient. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you become a frequent visitor.
Congrats on hitting over $800 again this year and crossing the forward dividend mark. Great milestones. Great list of companies paying you too. I own a few but would love to expand and add a few more of those names. Nice YoY% growth too. Keep that snowball rolling!
Thanks, Dividend Daze. I probably have one more $800 month in me this year – that being Dec. YoY growth has been great recently, too, but I expect lower percentages next year. Still, the portfolio continues to grow, and that’s the master plan. Glad you could stop by and comment.
Awesom job. 800 in any month is good that snowball is starting to pick up steam. Keep it up
Thanks, Doug. Yes, it does seem to be picking up steam. Amazing to look back and see how small the dividends seemed to be when the portfolio was being assembled, and then what it does today.
Very impressive!!! great work!!
Very well done mate. Keep up that excellent work!
Very nice month! Love that you were able to top $100 from one of your companies that month. Holy smokes that is a nice dividend. Also congrats on the two dividend increases as well as this is only going to help catapult your growth rate going forward!
Yeah, $100! Now that you mention it, that may be the first time I’ve hit that mark for a single dividend payment… oh, no it’s not, just checked and I forgot about a few from WPC in the last year or two. In either case, here’s to more like them! With regard to the dividend increases, I think I’m slated for up to 9 of them in Oct… can’t wait for next month’s report now
Thanks for stopping by, Bert.
Touchdown indeed. Solid results for the month of September from many high quality names. Great year over year increase as well. Clearly you are on the right path with growing your passive income. I’ll be posting my results this weekend. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, DivHut! I certainly feel like I’m on the right path. It’s great to look back and see the progress over the recent months & years. Looking forward to your post… I’m sure it will detail some outstanding results.
$800 is incredible! Nice 30% increase year-over-year as well. Keep up that kind of increase and you’ll be at $1000 by next year no problem.
Hey ED,
Glad I found your site too man, and this my first time here. You have an impressive portfolio, and what I like about your September report was not just how much money you made, but the fact that you have a diversified number of companies that paid you dividends for the month. Added your site to my resources page, so you should definitely be seeing me more often.
Thanks, DP. I’m definitely attempting to stay diversified. Looking forward to hearing from you again.